Autoimmune & the gut connection

So many health issues seem to originate in the gut. If the gut is healthy it is digesting, assimilating and elimination well and if this area is corrected the body tends to heal itself.

Our journey into creating bone broths stemmed from Tony’s personal experience of an autoimmune condition.

Having utilized integrative and functional approaches in or healing here is some more info on how our gut is connected to autoimmune responses from a functional nutrition perspective from Melissa Aytan who we have both personally worked with.

  • The gut is comprised of numerous microbiota regulating and protecting the mucosal lining.

  • When there is an imbalance, also known as dysbiosis, studies show this increases inflammation in the body and predisposes the body to autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, lupus, type 2 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis—just to name a few.

  • When the permeability of the gut lining has been altered, this allows toxins, bacteria, and foreign substances like food and antigens to enter the blood stream, causing something called "leaky gut." (You can find out more about this via my article here)

  • When this repeatedly occurs over time, excessive toxin overload triggers an initiation of autoimmune disease.

  • Beneficial gut bacteria act as a protective lining to the gut mucosa that keeps foreign substances from entering when they shouldn't. When there is a change in the composition of the amount of good bacteria versus pathogenic bad bacteria, this affects the immune regulation of the gut, making it harder to fight off infections and easier to develop an autoimmune condition.

Bone broth has been shown as one of the most effective foods to “heal and seal” this hyper permeability and along with correcting dysbiosis, can help to allow the body to have more appropriate immune responses! Head over to our shop to get your hands on our easy to use, dehydrated bone broth powders.

And if you’re seeking an excellent practitioner to work from a functional nutrition perspective we can’t recommend Mel highly enough. Find out more about her services via her website.