Have you heard of bone broth but wondering what it’s all about?

We chat to people just like you at markets all the time! So, I thought it would be a great idea to put the information we share in our market conversations right here in a blog post!

Firstly, here are a few of the benefits that we have felt since we introduced bone broth into our diets;

·       Stronger and more healthy hair, skin and nails

·       Fewer gut issues  - pain, indigestion, bloating, IBS etc

·       Strengthened immune system ie. we rarely gets colds

In this blog I'm going to cover the basics about bone broth but you can also find out more on our Bone Broth Benefits page too!


Bone broth is made from simmering bones (and marrow, skin, feet, tendons and ligaments) over a period of days. This slow cooking causes these normally non-digestible parts of the animal to break down and release amino acids and minerals that are super good for you.

Making broth was the way our ancestors (and even our grandmothers and mothers!) made use of every part of the animal. However, nowadays many broths and stocks (especially the ones from the supermarket) are made much more quickly. As a result, the bones do not break down and thus the broth is not infused with all those beneficial amino acids and minerals. Cheaper versions also tend to contain fillers and additives that provide no benefits.

Technically, there's a slight difference between broth, stock and bone broth:

·       Broth is typically made with meat and small amount of bones. It's simmered for a short period of time (45 minutes to 2 hours) and is light in flavor and thin in texture.

·       Stock is typically made with bones and a small amount of meat.  It's simmered for a bit longer than broth - about 3 to 4 hours.

·       Bone broth is typically made with bone and a small amount of meat. It's simmered for a very long period of time (anywhere from 8 to over 24 hours) and is a great source of gelatin, minerals, and protein.


Besides being delicious, bone broth is a nutrition powerhouse

1.     Bone broth helps heal the gut. The gelatin in bone broth helps restore the lining of the gut and the good bacteria (probiotics) that live in your gut. In addition, drinking bone broth can reduce food sensitivities (like wheat or dairy) and supports healthy inflammation levels in the digestive tract.

2.     Bone broth is anti-aging. The collagen in bone broth helps form elastin and other compounds within skin that are key for maintaining youthful skin tone and texture. Studies have also shown that increasing collagen can decrease the appearance of cellulite.

3.   Bone broth is immune-boosting. It's estimated that 80% of your immune system is located in your gut (yep!!), so when you heal the gut, you're also increasing your immune strength, which means you'll get sick way less.



Our dehydrated bone broth powders save you the time it takes to really get a nutrient dense bone and makes it super easy to use too.

Here are a few easy ways to incorporate our dehydrated bone broths into your daily diet:

·       Drink a cup in the morning (in place of coffee, if you want!) or as an afternoon pick me up

·       Use as the base for any soup or stew

·       Add 2 teaspoons when cooking your grains – rice, quinoa, buckwheat, freekeh

·       Sprinkle over your eggs

·       Add to sautéing veggies for extra flavour

·       Add to fruit smoothies

·       Add to your baby food purees

Want to know more? Head over to our Bone Broth Benefits page!