Bone Broth and Ageing Well

Ageing - its happens to all of us. While there isn’t a specific “age” that ageing suddenly begins, at some point we begin to feel and realise that we are. Whether it be the appearance of wrinkles, greying hair, physical stiffness or declining memory, we begin to notice these tell tale signs that our bodies and minds change as we age.

And, let’s face it, it’s part of life.  And I believe it is something that we should embrace. However, there is definitely something to be said about supporting ourselves to age well.  

Research shows that complex epigenetic mechanisms are involved in ageing and longevity. Dr Mark Hyman calls bone broth one of his “favourite healing foods” and reports that “we are learning from research in the field of nutrigenomics, that food “talks” to our DNA switching on or off genes that lead to health or disease.”

More research into nutrigenomics is showing that the food we eat has a strong impact on these epigenetic processes and, therefore, plays a role in the regulation of longevity and ageing.

So how does bone broth help this process of ageing well?

Naturopathic Doctor, Dr Kellyann Petrucci is a healthy ageing expert and bone broth has been a core part of her programs for years. Why? Because it is packed full with healthy-ageing nutrients. “In my clinical experience, bone broth reverses signs of ageing better than any powder, pill, cream or serum.”

Science has dug into the individual benefits of many of the healthy nutrient components found in bone broth, like collagen, glucosamine, and the various amino acids. 

Based on this research, some potential anti-ageing bone broth benefits include:


As we age, our joints suffer from wear and tear. Bone broth is a great source of glycosaminoglycans, including glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid, which help to keep our joint young and flexible. 

Glucosamine is found within the cartilage of our joints and acts as a natural shock-absorber and joint lubricant. It also plays an important role in helping to maintain the integrity of cartilage through specific protein and lipid synthesis. Chondroitin sulfate is also a major component of cartilage. It helps to maintain cartilage integrity by absorbing fluid into the connective tissue and may also block enzymes that break down cartilage.

Bone broth is also a rich source of collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is the substance that holds everything together. It is found in the bones, muscles, skin and tendons, where it forms an elastic scaffold to provide strength and structure. Studies also show that regularly consuming collagen can help reduce and prevent and loss of bone density. This can reduce pain levels and improve function in people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other forms of arthritis.


As a rich source of collagen, bone broth may help improve skin elasticity, protecting against ageing and wrinkling. While expensive collagen skin creams work temporarily, dietary collagen is far more potent because it mainlines collagen to your cells. 

In one study, women were given an oral collagen supplement for 8 weeks. Skin elasticity was measured at 4 weeks and then again at 8 weeks. While there were evident skin benefits as soon as 4 weeks, skin continued to improve with prolonged, regular use. Bone broth is also rich in hyaluronic acid, which helps your skin retain moisture

In addition, the collagen peptides derived from collagen heal your digestive tract, helping to prevent inflammation that leads to ageing.


Our gut lining is naturally semi-permeable, allowing small nutrient particles to cross into the bloodstream while blocking larger molecules, such as proteins and microbes. Things can start to go wrong when the gut lining becomes ‘leaky’, allowing large, unwanted molecules to pass into the bloodstream. As these large molecules enter our bloodstream, our immune system responds with inflammation, which can lead to a host of health issues.

According to Dr Natatsha Campbell McBride, the collagen in bone broth helps to support the lining of the gastrointestinal tract by “healing and sealing” these leaks. This may improve bowel movements, alleviate digestive discomfort like bloating, gas, and acid reflux, and improve symptoms in people with irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel diseases, like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Research shows people with inflammatory bowel diseases tend to have lower levels of collagen than people without digestive system trouble. 


Chronic inflammation is at the root of many modern health problems and also contributes to accelerated ageing due to oxidative stress on our cells. As mentioned above, the healing impact of bone broth on the lining of the gut helps to reduce inflammatory cycles in the body. Additionally glycine, one of the major amino acids in bone broth, has been shown to combat inflammation and prevent the formation of free radicals. Glycine also helps regulate the immune system, which can reduce your chances of getting sick.


When you think of hydration, water may be the first thing that comes to mind, but an adequate intake of electrolyte minerals, like sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, are essential in preventing dehydration—and bone broth is rich in all of them. 

As we age the body’s mechanisms of water balance are disturbed, increasing the risk of dehydration. Dehydration is indeed the most common fluid disorder among older persons, and it can have considerable clinical impact. Dehydration in the skin also weaken its defence and can create skin sensitivity, irritation, and premature ageing.


As explained earlier, collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It’s found in your skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and even blood vessels. Although there hasn’t been any research on the direct connection between bone broth and heart health, one study found that supplementing with collagen, the primary protein in bone broth, helped improved the elasticity of blood vessels and increased HDL, or “good” cholesterol—two things that can reduce your risk of atherosclerosis, a hardening of the blood vessels that can lead to heart disease, heart attack, and/or stroke.

With all of these potential benefits of this timeless and traditional healing food perhaps it is worth adding bone broth into your daily diet? It’s as easy as sipping on a cup or two of bone broth per day.

Check out our super convenient and easy to use certified organic, dehydrated bone broth powders in our shop for more product information.